The episode is known for its all in brawl which started between KKK members, & JDL founder Irv Rubin; with members of the audience joining in before security broke it up.
7 - 1My Man Behaves Badly September 22, 1997
7 - 2Klanfrontation! October 22, 1997
7 - 3I Hate Your Sexy Occupation! October 27, 1997
7 - 4Update: Woman In Labor Confronts Mistress October 30, 1997
7 - 5I'm Pregnant By A Transsexual November 03, 1997
7 - 6Past Guests Do Battle! November 11, 1997
7 - 7I Refuse to Wear Clothes November 21, 1997
7 - 8My Uncle Stole My Wife January 01, 1998
7 - 9I Have a Secret For My Man February 13, 1998
7 - 11I Have Sex with My Sister February 17, 1998
7 - 74I'll Destroy Your Relationship January 01, 1970
7 - 76Stripper Wars February 02, 1998
7 - 80I Have Too Many Lovers! February 06, 1998
7 - 84I'm Taking Back My Man February 12, 1998
7 - 85I Have a Secret for My Man! February 13, 1998
7 - 86I'll Never Let You Go February 16, 1998
7 - 89Confronting Homewreckers! February 19, 1998
7 - 90High Class Call Girls February 20, 1998
7 - 95Guess What… I'm a Man! February 27, 1998
7 - 99I Married a Horse May 22, 1998
7 - 119Dumped for Another Woman April 20, 1998
7 - 120Torn Between Two Lovers April 21, 1998
7 - 121My Daughter Is a Teen Prostitute April 22, 1998
7 - 122I'm Pregnant by My Brother April 23, 1998
7 - 123Bizarre Love Triangle April 24, 1998
7 - 124Wives Battle Mistresses! April 27, 1998
7 - 128Surprise! I'm a Transexual! May 01, 1998
7 - 172My Sister and I Have Sex July 20, 1998
7 - 188Shocking Transsexual Secrets September 11, 1998